How to spend a Tuesday in January, with Alexander Hutchison

Excuse me for saying so

But you look like Tuesday

was payday, and Monday had never


-Alexander Hutchison

This morning, needing something to cheer me up after the day after the most depressing day of the year, I turned once again to the work of Alexander Hutchison, especially his most humorous poems, and I felt once again refreshed. Translating these poems into Spanish was a tremendous adventure which I will carry with me always.

Gavia Stellata, a selection of his work, is published in a bilingual edition in Mexico by Mantis Editores. The book launch took place at the Guadalajara Book Fair in 2015. We received our copies in November, only a few days prior to the author’s death. I will always treasure the lively debates I had with Alexander (“Sandy,” as his friends called him) on the meanings of various words and phrases – in English, Doric, and Spanish!

This was made possible thanks to an award by Creative Scotland. If you would like a copy, please let me know. I’m at

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